Rebuilding Ocean Hue
2024 ~ ongoing
Sea desertification, the widespread disappearance of seaweed beds, is a serious environmental issue affecting many countries, including Japan. One major cause is the feeding activity of seaweed-eating organisms like sea urchins. In areas where seaweed beds have been depleted, sea urchins often develop poor-quality flesh, making them unsuitable for commercial use as food. Consequently, these sea urchins are left unfished, allowing their populations to grow unchecked. To address this problem, efforts are being made to cull sea urchins in various regions. However, challenges such as securing personnel for diving operations and budget constraints remain significant obstacles.
This project explores new possibilities for glazes by utilizing the shells of thinned sea urchins with no commercial value. When fired, the sea urchin shells produce ash containing trace amounts of magnesium, which imparts a soft, matte texture to the glaze. By adjusting the ratio of sea urchin ash, it is possible to control the degree of glossiness with precision. To achieve more nuanced and expressive finishes, we also experimented with adding coastal sand to the sea urchin ash, exploring variations in color and pattern.
The combination of these two oceanic materials—sea urchin shells and sand—has unintentionally brought forth a rich expression reminiscent of the seascape, captured beautifully on each piece. The title Rebuilding Ocean Hue embodies the hope that this cycle of materials not only reconstructs the colors of the sea through glazes but also contributes, even in a small way, to the regeneration of the underwater landscapes that once flourished.
Production cooperation: Rina Araki, GREENspearfishers
Technical support: Ceramic Research Center of Nagasaki
Special Thanks: Maruhiro Inc. , Koushungama, Urabe Kiji,
Mizuho Ohta, Ryusei Tasaki
Photography: Nanako Ono
Filming cooperation: GREENspearfishers, Ryusei Tasaki
海辺のウニの殻と砂という二つの素材の掛け合わせは、図らずも海の景色を感じさせるような豊かな表情を器の上に描き出しています。Rebuilding Ocean Hueというタイトルには、この素材の循環が、釉薬として海の色彩を再構築するだけでなく、海の中にかつて広がっていた風景の再生に少しでもつながればという思いが込められています。